Monday, November 07, 2005

News from the homefront

So this isn't really Rwanda or Nyabiheke Refugee Camp news... but I am delighted to announce the birth of my 2nd niece - Charlotte Anne Kao on November 1st. She joins my adorable 3 yo niece Emily and her parents Tim & Leigh Anne in Kailua Hawaii where Tim is stationed as a US Marine currently... congrats!!!!

Emily happily taking on her new role as *big sis* feeding Charlotte

I am taking a bit of a breather here in Kigali for the next few days, catching up on paperwork, working on budgets, lunching with potential NGO partners/funders, trying to streamline the drug purchasing process... (*and* enjoying hot showers, electricity & running water and tracking down ice-cream at every available opportunity).

Charlotte Anne Kao - smiling away already!

I have settled my plans for Jan-April - I will be in London Jan5-April8 at the London School of Tropical Medicine & hygiene (getting a diploma in Tropical Medicine) after visiting Tim, Leigh Anne, Emily & Charlotte in Hawaii for 10 days. ( I'll be in Boston for about 36 hours from the evening of Dec 22nd to noon Dec 24th). If anyone has tips on housing or just coincidentally has an empty furnished flat near the London city center that needs a resident Jan-April please let me know! The London housing search isn't the easiest from Rwanda...

I hope everyone is well... Ann