Goodbyes and Thanks

Med-Peds gang

The Fantail gang on Renee's rooftop

My Chelsea family!
It's 4AM and I am packing away still, time has run away from me so quickly and I am actually leaving this afternoon...
I have alternating moments of such excitement and sheer terror, and after all these goodbyes there's more than a little sadness mixed in there as well. I wish I could personally thank every one who has been so supportive, the fantail / Hope gang - thanks so much for the Leatherman (already used to remove the license plates from my car!) the headlamp (now that I've figured out what it is) the iPod radio tuner, and all the candy and care products.
To all my coworkers at Chelsea - I will *miss* having you to bounce questions off of - not just about patient care but life the universe and everything. I could not imagine having better people to work with. Thanks especially Kathy & Ursula for moving and storing all my *stuff* pshew, who knew I had so MUCH!! Thanks for all of the presents, boxes,laughter and support.
And to the med-peds gang, what is there to say? I think you should all come out and do a rotation with me (or Peter!).
I am continually amazed by how blessed I am to have such tremendous people in my life. Knowing you are all here supporting me makes it so much easier to go, although I miss everyone so much already. I will do my best in keeping this blog updated. Please leave messages or email...
My address in Rwanda (for those who had asked):
c/o American Refugee Committee, Kigali Office
B.P. 2680
Kigali, Rwanda
much love and many blessings,
Hey Ann-
I'm glad you are able to pursue your dreams of becoming involved in the international medical community (ie, Doctors without Borders) that I always remembered you talking about since our college days. Best of luck!
Chris Chang, MD
Durham, NC --> Portland, OR --> Warrenton, VA
(As you can see, my professional travels don't have quite the international flavor yours does.)
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